Our Work
We promote integral human development, social justice, and sustainable social systems.
Essential Services for the Vulnerable
Essential Services for the Vulnerable
We work at the grassroots level to meet local needs and provide humanitarian assistance, including to migrants and refugees.
Our Projects
Our Projects
With partners who share our vision, we engage in humanitarian actions, research and advocacy efforts that contribute to a more just world.
Other Initiatives
Other Initiatives
We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with a variety of organizations and groups to improve the lives of those in need.
Internships, Exchanges and Mentoring
Internships, Exchanges and Mentoring
We promote youth development, engagement, and volunteerism across the island and through international exchanges.
In their own words
Community Voices
A Sample of Our Work
Project Highlights

Caritas Center
Safe Space / Services / Training

Families at Risk
Case Work / Humanitarian Aid / Mentoring

Humanitarian Assistance Point
Humanitarian Aid / Volunteerism

Language Lessons and Training
Safe Space / Training

Anti-Trafficking Coalition

Research and Advocacy
Advocacy / Research
Our Stats at a Glance
Newly Registered Beneficiaries
Countries of Origin
Registered Families Served
Walk-in Orientations and Appointments Delivered
About Us
Our mission is to work for a better world for those living in poverty, the oppressed, and the vulnerable. Inspired by Christian values, we work with all who are marginalized, regardless of race or religion.
Our Values
We work without prejudice, we don’t preach, and we pride ourselves on celebrating diversity. We believe our Christian values are best shown through working for justice and an end to poverty in Cyprus.
Our Story
Since registering as a charitable association in 1986, Caritas Cyprus has responded to humanitarian needs on the island with the aim of providing compassionate care and support to the vulnerable.
Our Caritas Family
At the heart of our work are committed and compassionate Board Members, volunteers and staff.
Providing Help, Creating Hope
Our Team
Executive ManagerKIM FOUKARIS
Operations DirectorGOSIA CHRYSANTHOU
Operations OfficerMARCO FRASSINE
Case Work CoordinatorANITA LAGOS
Cultural MediatorCHRISTIANE LOHR
Cultural MediatorAHMED ALASHKHAM
Cultural MediatorContact Us
Contact our Caritas Center. Our Help Line Hours and Numbers are available in Our Schedule.
Safeguarding: If you would like to provide feedback or submit a complaint, click here to learn about or safeguarding policies and procedures.
Caritas Cyprus Head Office
8 Ayiou Marona, Flat 4, 1010 Nicosia CY
+357 22 662606
+357 22 662656